
As the city was divided into two during the Cold War, many major parts of Berlin's infrastructure — such as airports — were built on both the east and west side. After the demolition of the Wall, the challenge has been to merge these formerly independent systems into one that serves all people in the metropolitan Berlin area.

By bus
By bus

Berlin is serviced from over 350 destinations in Europe. Long distance buses arrive at Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Central Bus Terminal in Charlottenburg. From there take the S-Bahn station Messe Nord or bus into town.

Berlin Linienbus ( serves over 350 destnations in Europe

Salinea ( serves Bosnia

By car
By car

All main roads and motorways join the Berliner Ring, or the A10, from which you can access the inner city. The city motorway is usually very crowded during rush hour.

As of January 1, 2008, Berlin requires all cars to have a "Low Emissions" sticker in order to enter the city center Low Emission Zone, "Umweltzone". Information on obtaining a sticker which must be done at least several days in advance is available here ( The sticker can also be ordered online at (https://umwelt-plakette.d...).